Are you ready to balance your Masculinity?


Masculine and feminine energies are natural and operate as much in men and women as in plants and animals, electric current, or wall sockets & plugs.

When it comes to the human experience, masculinity can be expressed in either healthy or toxic ways.

Several socio-economic factors have re-engineered how we express our masculinity: the Industrial Revolution, WWII, the emancipation movement in the 70s, just to name a few.

We have come to a point in history when we have to restore healthy masculinity in society.

August 31, 2024

We created the Galactic Empowerment full-day workshop as a safe container where you can let your guard down, be vulnerable, and genuinely assess your own masculinity, no matter whether you are a man or woman.

These are just some questions to honestly ask yourself:

  • Am I accountable?

  • Am I assertive and courageous?
  • Am I emotionally resilient?
  • Am I responsible and able to protect and provide for others?
  • Am I self-reliant?
  • Am I a problem-solver or do I tend to take a victim role, or become passive-aggressive?
  • Am I ambitious in working toward my goals?
  • How do I communicate with others?
  • How strong is my trust in myself, life, or other people?

If you feel that you could need support in improving some or all of these aspects, you are in the right place!

Benefit from the integration of Astrology and Hypnosis for a comprehensive approach to balancing your masculine energy. Here you will learn essential strategies for building trust and improving communication with those around you.  We support you in developing the skills needed to foster supportive and harmonious relationships, both personally and professionally.

As expressed through the sign of Aries, healthy masculinity stands for a direct and honest communication style. Being straightforward and clear in communication, expressing thoughts and needs directly without hesitation. Balancing this with the diplomatic, soft, and artistic qualities of the opposite sign of Libra leads to effective communications.  This is simple, yet powerful alchemy.

What you will experience at Galactic Empowerment:

  • Carefully designed group activities
  • Safe space, total confidence
  • Strategies to foster trust & effective communication
  • Astro snapshots in a group setting (so everyone learns)
  • Guided group hypnosis session
  • Water & snacks provided


What is expected of you:

Accountability & Commitment

Being accountable and committed means having responsibility, integrity, strength, and being vulnerable. It involves taking ownership of one’s actions, and decisions, and being ready to face the consequences. It means living authentically, setting clear boundaries, and maintaining consistency in actions and words. It is about being reliable, trustworthy, and leading with moral and ethical principles. It also includes protecting and providing for others, ensuring that your actions positively impact those around you.

This workshop is focused on Masculinity and it starts with accountability the moment you decide to sign up.

Your Accountability Checklist:

  • Provide your place, date and time of birth by Wednesday, August 28, 2024.  (time as precise as possible)

  • Pay your 555 MXN registration fee by August 28, 2024

  • Arrive on time.  Doors close at 9:00 am and it’s better to arrive a little early.

  • Bring your journal/notebook and pen

  • Bring your yoga mat or blanket for the hypnosis session

  • Bring your own water bottle (you can refill it here)


If you say Yes to Accountability, Galactic Empowerment is for you! Join us for this extraordinary full-day workshop designed to harmonize your masculine energy through the powerful tools of Astrology and Hypnosis!

Your Hosts


Gerald Bolduc is a QHHT Practitioner certified by Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy. Besides providing hypnosis healing and pastlife regression sessions to his clients, he facilitates workshops and men’s circles. Gerald is co-editor at Men’s Soul Journey, a compilation of poems written by men who have gone through the ManKind Project training, and who generously contributed their poems. All proceeds from the book go to helping men who can’t afford to pay for the training. The book is available on Amazon. He is the founder of The Inner Mirror:

Stefanie Baeker is the founder of AccessEcoTours and Project Mayan Encounter. She has been working in the field of tourism since 2008, leading eco-cultural tours and creating meaningful experiences for travelers. Stefanie is a certified Astrologer and member of NCGR (National Council on Geocosmic Research), ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research), the Uranian Society, and a Board Member of SCAN (Southern California Astrological Network). Her astrological website is


Saturday 8/31/24 from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm


555 Mexican Pesos per person

Payment Options

From the US

From Mexico

Gerald Bolduc, CiBanco CLABE INTERBANCARIA: 143180000036841722


By August 28, 2024

(scroll to bottom for Registration Form)

To prepare materials and generate your birthchart, we do need pre-registration by 8/28/24.  Please provide your location, date and time of birth using the registration form below.  We also ask you commit with your payment of 555 MXN by 8/28/24.

Space is limited to 20 people – please reserve your spot early!


Open to

Men, women, couples.


Project Mayan Encounter

Ruta de los Cenotes KM 15.8, (SM45, MZ145, LT1-03)

15 km from Puerto Morelos, QR, Mexico



Gerald Bolduc +52 983-110-5577

Stefanie Baeker +1 714-801-0041


Registration Form

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Nearest town or city
Day, month, year
The more precise, the better. If you don't know your time, write "unknown"
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